Friday, May 29, 2009

Uuuugggghhhhh Colds!

Let’s say Grandma visits to help with twins….yay! But day two u notice Grandma has a BAD cold… u send her home…of course not….u pray and quarantine a bit right. Well in this plan there was a wildcard….a 3yo!!! Lets say the 3yo PLAYS with grandma b/c everyone else is homeschooling and THEN a few days later…..achoo!

Well the 3yo who LOVES the twins was not convinced that germs spread and so playtime has to wait a FEW DAYS. so he goes by a twin and SNEEZES right in his face! Uggh…..
Many more days go by so when I am convinced that the wrath is over, baby A sneezes….often. and now mommy and both twins are cranky, crying and stuff…First cold. Oh well what can u do?

Pregnant with TWINS???

Well this is day 1 of my blog=)

My twin newborns have inspired me…..this should be fun!

I have so many thoughts bottled up since the birth of the twins…..

First I was in shock I was pregnant at all! I denied the biological clues so much my friend was laughing at me!

The funniest part was when my friend’s 15yo dd to me she just had a dream about me….she dreamt I was PREGNANT!!! She said she had a dream like that b4 her mom was pregnant too! I encouraged her by saying….”that was a terrible dream=)” I had told her nothing and still told her nada.

I even remember when I first found out I was pregnant with twins! My youngest dd was elated! Even b4 the technician discoved them my dd was going on and on about how cool it would be if we had twins….I SCOLDED her at the thought. I told her since her dad was supposed to be a twin that we’d SKIP this generation and SHE would be the one to have twins! THEN came the news…….I choked back the tears as I questioned her on how certain she was….how could this be.
I swore my dd to secrecy until i had time to digest all this….it took a while b4 I could talk about it to our family and many weeks b4 I could share it beyond that. The nausea probably made it obvious to my mom who was staying with us. Unbelievable fatigue and sickness….to some moms-to-be who pay attention…that should’ve been a clue…oh well I was clueless! Shock & dismay would lead to eventual anticipation and excitement.

About a week after I found out I was scheduled to attend Catch the Fire in Toronto Airport Christian Fellowhip. I HAD to tell my travelmates I thought b/c there was NOWAY I could hide my illness…..funny part was my one friend already thought I was pregnant….she was sooo positive and excited that it slowly began to rub off on me. By midweek I was a happy camper. The conference was awesome.

Nevertheless once I got home, my initial concerns were many…
How was I to carry twins in my belly…..I spent one evening with the internet….shook me up. So many medical warnings and threats of potential problems within the pregnancy! I was depressed for a days after reading that stuff…..uughh. God actually had a friend call me….she “knew” I was sad and wanted to know why so she could pray me. Plus the same day, God had another friend email me her concerns from something God showed her.

I had a level of comfort that God had people praying for us as I adjusted to the concept of pregnancy…

Again I had a kid who this time dreamed I was having twins b4 they found out and other teen friend tell me they “knew” I was having twins b4 I shared with them. At least I knew that this pregnancy was no accident….God was helping me realize with so many confirmations that this was all part of His plan that I STILL have yet to fully comprehend.

BUT twins over 40 as we homeschool 4 other kids???? How??? This brings trusting God to a new level!