Monday, July 20, 2009

Feeding Diaper Bag for 2mo Twins

Ok I have issues...
this shouldn't be this thrilling ...

BUT I am so pleased....we have streamlined our bottle process=) I am too seemed like such a nitemare at first since i was used to breastfeeding all my others. I used to pack 1 bottle for emergencies only.

Maybe I blogged this BUT here we go

We premeasure the powder...into the bottles with nipples, carry 2-3 bottles of boiled water. We purchased a tea kettle that I boil at nite and cool off till morn...this was stremlined from using a giant POT and hoping no one DUMPED it by morn in which case i had to START OVER...uuugh......we also stopped buying distilled water that we moved to once I was sick of boiling. $ saved.....

We still run the bottles thru the dishwasher @ nite so the can dry by am....

Finally, for a day, we pack 4 mini 3oz bottles each babe to tide them over between nursings if we're riding and a 4oz in case we know i won't get to them.

OH and we include sanitizer and a "spit cloth" too!

I am if i can get my KIDS TO STOP leaving it upzipped in the car so the stuff won't fall out...AND if i can FIT all that WITH the regular diaper bag=)

I'm shopping for a duffle bag next!

Monday, July 13, 2009

The TRIP with the twins TO REMEMBER

Well I promised I'd chat about the trip....

Travelling with the twins was quite an experience. We took them on an 8 hour trip with the 6 kids plus 1 adult....I was told it was a recipie for disaster but it went well overall....KINDA is all a matter of perspective.

To pack I picked items based on my moms advise she gave me one day during a 3AM feeding....I must say while I was NOT receptive to conversation at the time I heeded her advice.

So we chose for the twins:

2 boppies -we only needed 1

1 swing that the kids liked the most- invaluable once we went to Walmart to replace the batteries

1 bouncy chair- these batteries also probably ran out when it was packed in the truck.

Too many wahclothes and 4 drying towels

Receiving blankets that we packed in the suitcase that we should have left out for the highway

Tons of hand sanitizer

A special car bag with extra diapers, a canister of formula (supplimental feeding) and a sling

Clothes for mostly cool weather- with only 3 onsies in 90 degree weather, I had to wash. Half the time we just stripped into a diaper...

A fluffy blanket for mom to sleep on (not the twins) Oh did I mention...there was NO FURNITURE in the place we were going?

So the trip there went surprisingly smooth as the twins LIKED the car since it was like their swing=) PLUS they liked bottles, unlike my other children who only nursed and hated bottles.
Before with my others...I'd have to STOP, sit and nurse ever 2 hours and the 8 hour trip would take close to THAT used to be frustrating.

Well they DID get sick of the car after a few hours and but it was MEAL we relaxed. Due to sleep deprivation we FORGOT the key to the house.....soooooooooooo when we got there it was a nice 3 day surprise. Since the house was for sale it was quite a game getting a simple door open.

Overall that worked to our advantage since we had 3 days and "FRESH ARMS" to hold on and love on the twins....we all got a nice break!


The ride home was another story...the twins did ok for a bit but I was EXHAUSED b/c they had had one of THOSE NITES and were up from 4-6AM I was sooooooooooooo tired. Fortunately I made a quick cofffee stop which was helpful and we cruised for a bit but THEN oh boy....LOUD CRYING in a contained area....torture! I couldn't hardly think straight to figure out the turn I needed to make.

Thank God we atleast had the DVD player for the 3 year old. So we listened to 3 hours of Larry Boy because he only wanted to see 1 of the choices over and over and over and over.

Then finally when the rain started we stopped for a pit stop to relax at a friends which was the best idea of the day.....the funny part about that was when my friend SAW us caring for the twins she reminded us how much we were doing=) Oh well.

We got home safe. It was a nice diversion form the routine...

Is it hard to parent 8?

Well I believe there is a reason God made a progression to the scheme of things....having babies in a certain order...1 then 2, then 3 and so on...but then when u grow by twos and add a few friends...whew.

One day, we took 2 friends and hung out for a bit...and had to have friends carry some kids home because our van was too small! It was something!

The dynamics change by numbers in a surprising way. The kids who were normally assigned to each task:

One kid gets Wil Guy the other gets Squirmy, another gets my 3yr old, I generally get the diaper for everyday use PLUS a cute Good StartTM back pack we use for bottles (the bottles have the powdered formula premeasured in them with nipples and we carry distilled water- took me weeks to smooth out a workable system)

This 15min system was thrown off since my two rode with the friend. What a mess....we lost count of kids and ugggh. Everyone survived but lets just say I now have a healthy appreciation for JUST 6.