Monday, July 20, 2009

Feeding Diaper Bag for 2mo Twins

Ok I have issues...
this shouldn't be this thrilling ...

BUT I am so pleased....we have streamlined our bottle process=) I am too seemed like such a nitemare at first since i was used to breastfeeding all my others. I used to pack 1 bottle for emergencies only.

Maybe I blogged this BUT here we go

We premeasure the powder...into the bottles with nipples, carry 2-3 bottles of boiled water. We purchased a tea kettle that I boil at nite and cool off till morn...this was stremlined from using a giant POT and hoping no one DUMPED it by morn in which case i had to START OVER...uuugh......we also stopped buying distilled water that we moved to once I was sick of boiling. $ saved.....

We still run the bottles thru the dishwasher @ nite so the can dry by am....

Finally, for a day, we pack 4 mini 3oz bottles each babe to tide them over between nursings if we're riding and a 4oz in case we know i won't get to them.

OH and we include sanitizer and a "spit cloth" too!

I am if i can get my KIDS TO STOP leaving it upzipped in the car so the stuff won't fall out...AND if i can FIT all that WITH the regular diaper bag=)

I'm shopping for a duffle bag next!

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