Thursday, June 4, 2009

Can U Spoil Twins in a Month?

Can u REALLY "spoil" twins who have only been in contact with the planet 4 a month????? Is that possible? Has Grandma been right all along?


We brought home our cute twins and thought it would be fun to hold them and enjoy loving on them and such. They seemed content and so were we...the kids even had disputes over whose turn it was as they drooled over the opportunity to HOLD THE BABES. (These were the SAME KIDS who were "less than enthusiastic" about mom being pregnant not too long ago.)

Grandma cautioned OVER and OVER and OVER, "Don't hold those babies all day or u r gonna SPIRL 'EM" Yea, yea Grandma we said as we passed them around admiring their features and habits and lil personalites they had that were different from each other....

This routine was all fun UNTIL I noticed that they started settling less at night...huh? They wanted to be HELD to go to sleep and HELD while awake and there is just 1 me. The festivities of the day have passed and alas I am alone on the nite has returned to work and helps when he can but needs rest...uh oh...

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