Sunday, June 14, 2009

SHHHUUUSSHH-ing Grandma made me laugh (on the inside of course)


One of the twins, we call him Lil Guy, was crying b/c he woke up….that was ok…so I went to make bottles to supplement after I nurse. A little fussing for 2-3 min wasn’t going to end the world as he waited I thought.

WELLLLLL, Grandma BOLTED OUT OF BED and came downstairs and made her typical loud sssssshhhuussshhhh-ing sound to quiet him. This sound… at 3am seems harder for me to listen to than that of an infant crying full blast…but she means well, and I am grateful for her staying with us to help with the kids so I say as gently as I can muster “Mom its ok, really… u can go back to bed b/c I have a bottle. Really….AND if u let him blow off a little steam for 2 to 5 minute while I get ready we will all sleep better after I feed him” She ignores me of course because she raised me and continues ssssuuuusshh-ing and rocking. This goes on for a bit until I finally take him to change and feed him. Grandma goes upstairs.

Lil guy is still nursing but “Squirmy” is starting to stir. Oh no, please Lord I think. She stays asleep…I put down Lil Guy and lay down myself for 2 minutes……Lil Guy stirs again and starts fussing. Grandma is quickly back and on to ssssshhhuuuussshhhh-ing till
lil guy settles. Grandma….pleased with peace and quiet goes back upstairs…..

THEN the fun began…

Squirmy woke up to eat and I am ready for her with the bottle and all. I change her, nurse and bottle feed her quickly and she is UP wide eyed looking around. I put her in the swing. THEN Lil guy begins to cry again, I think grandma’s asleep so he will sit on his spoiled rump for a minute after all… I told her it would get us all more sleep.

NOPE! Grandma is back in action but this time it gets almost comical. As Grandma consoles Lil Guy he drifts for a minute and Squirmy starts. So Grandma managed to get her out of the tight grip of the old broken swing that stopped moving( we NEVER got around to replacing it with the new one sitting right next to it that only needs 5 minutes of wiping off)….and HOLDS her….after all that fussing about spoiling them. Anyway, I said nothing.. She decided Squirmy should be in the cradle this time and rocks her in there when Lil guy started up his engine again….I almost LAUGHED as I SECRETLY WATCHED Grandma go back and forth from cradle to bouncy chair across the room from each other. As soon as she’d settle one and walk away..…”WAAAA” Finally BOTH CRIED for a while. I fortunately had something important to do b/c the phone wasn’t working for my mom’s medic alert ….I just calmly sang as I worked. Hilarious I thought. How will she block crying for both (she hates crying & always has). I answer questions…..“No mom they are not hot I just turned up the a/c” “No there is no poop they have just been changed, yes I’ll recheck mom”

What a riot….this went on for a while until she wisely carried one next to the other to rock one and do her sssshhhuuussshhhh-ing and hold Lil Guy who cried even more.…

After a while I felt bad that I was so amused that I bailed her out…I guess they were my kids after all….. and took Lil Guy from her and fed him AGAIN so we can all get some sleep!

Uh ohhhh…I took too long to write and tidy up and squirmy is BACK AWAKE……AHHHHH!! Oh well, sleep is overrated! Right?

6:45 Sqiurmy fell asleep in my arms as I dose nursed and Lil Guy is up again!!

My 3yr old wakes up asking for ketchup…..the first thing that popped in my head was………..”Go ask Daddy”

Daddy wakes up…give juice to 3yo and tells me “You need to call the telephone company, the phone really isn’t working” I realized waking up dad wasn’t the most effective strategy….as I think on my response I must have passed out because he woke me up at 9 to get ready for church……after all it WAS daytime. Oh…but I had to wait b/c Lil Guy is hungry again…at least he won’t be lil for long=) Thank God for twins and His grace….AND for Grandmas…they are truly heros even when they do their OWN THANG.

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