Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Total Exhaustion......

You know they talk about sleep deprivation for prisioners of war as a form of torture....I believe it. After a few days of inadequate sleep from being up with the twins...judgement and perspective sometimes are compromised.....amazing!

There is also a REASON for having kids young....so u can physically manage....being over 40 make me wonder how I did it when I was younger with 3 kids under 4yo...BOOOGGGGLLYY TIRED!!!!!

Then I see how I manage compared to my mom helping me.she's even more pooped.....in fact I know some heros who are 60+ who do this baby thing and are primary care-givers. Impressive. I guess if God sustains u and equips u...u can do anything.

I thank God that He keeps sustaining me....I can feel it even though it feels like my composure is challenged and slipping as I feel overwhelmed with resposibility....6kids, trying to bring order and routine back.....like normal bedtimes instead of kids passing out everywhere ....and meals together..instead of 8pm "whats 4 dinner??" conversations that are met with blank stares...

I have a newfound respect for Marj, Meg, Michelle...... parents who have 8+ kids, that are well-behaved, normal, the homeschool and one of them even runs a business with their kids....

I assume God must carry them along as they are my heros...how they manage w/o hiding themselves in the bathroom...

It feels good to vent and laugh about it all...it is comical when I really think about it....

After all there are REAL PROBLEMS in this world. Often in the midst of MY PITY PARTIES I think about women in the world who have to sleep on a mat in the dirt with their kids and DON'T have adequate shelter and food.....nor formula even at $12a can...I think abou it must feel as a mom who can't provide and watch their kids suffer.....THEN I GET MY PERSPECTIVE BACK!

In fact! I ran across an article where moms living with the effects of HIV/AIDS epedemic who are caring for their own children and othr children orphaned by AIDS. It is cool b/c they make Dorcus Beads and create jewelry that they sell to LIVE. The income literally keeps them alive. I heard about this b4 but in a magazine I read yesterday I got a link


NOW THESE WOMEN ARE TRULY HEROS.......so I guess I will remember be thankful today and stop "BEEFING"

I think there was a good book...."Managers of their Own Homes" or something like that to schedule family life. I have to find out...

Well my 3yo wants waffles for his second breakfast.....

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