Saturday, June 6, 2009

How many diapers do twins use?

150 diapers a week!!!!!!!!!!!!

I couldn't believe it...

Plus...Several cans of formula as we use them to suppliment nursing! I really regret offering formula in the hospital and those first weeks. I recently found out many twin moms pump to suppliment and don't need formula at all...I didn't catch that salient detail b4 so when we went to the hospital I confidently told the nurses to "botle away" 6 weeks later I feel like I am still plaing catch-up. I have been even praying or more milk to come in=) Funny, when I started praying a friend decided to have a box of "mother's milk" herbal tea shipped to me!!!! what a blessing. Amazingly it actually seems to work when u drink while I am still playing will be a matter of time I believe and we'll be using LESS formula...not none, just LESS. We can't let dad off that easily.

I never really added up the COST of diapers and formula till I read the stats in a twin book...I could feel stress seeping in as I added up the monthly costs....I had to try to stop myself from worrying...I started to whine about and and talk to God about it and He reminded me to....thank God for baby showers!!! Then a few days later...a visit from a friend Margaret who came bearing gifts: MORE DIAPERS and FORMULA. A set for each twin....ok God I WON'T complain and I will try my best to NOT WORRY about your provision.

There were good reads I borrowed from our local library and twin club:

My tried and true fav book has been helping us remember milestones and answer my older kids contant questions about "How far can they see now ma?" "What colors do they see" and

"I think they can roll over, I saw them do that yesterday by themselves..Ma did U see them roll over(@ 2 weeks old...don't think so=) I smile and refer them to the book?

"Mom,at what age will they do anything besides stare in space for hours on hours at end...put me to sleep"

"Mom, I just thought of are u when u start to itch?"mmmm not sure if the book will cover that one=)

This is it:
What to Excpect the First Year by Eisenberg, Murkoff, and Hathaway

Mothering Multiples- Breastfeeding & Caring 4 Twins- La Leche League
by Karen Gromada
This book is helpful...I hope it helps us get on track....

I hope I can find one of the bookshelf widgety things....that would be fun. If I do I'll post it.

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