Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Last Day of Homeschool this year!

The last day of school is a widely celebrated event........we were thrilled. For now at our homeschool we can rest from hearing these familiar sayings:

"Focus, focus, focus"

"What are u working on now?"

" DID U read that whole book in the last 5 minutes AND answer 2 pages of ???? PPPLLLLZZZ slow down and ACTUALLY DO the work!"

"What are u up to?"

"You can take a break AFTER you check the box"

"Check the box, check the box, check the box!" (my husband's chant to the kids=)

"God has a plan for u... u have to actually FOLLOW the plan"

"...just get the work done please!"

"You CAN do this...it's NOT to hard 4 u"

"Praise God....I knew you could do it!"

"WHY are you doing this to urself....don't wait till the last minute"

"DO the work plz"

"If u go to bed at nite, u won't be so tired"

"Go help your little brother, quick"

"Stop crying.....lets go over this tooo-gethhhh-errr "

"Great! But did you DOOOO the work?"


"You must obey mommy, YES MOM"

"No im-ing while ur working...say goodbye...sign out NOW"

"We need to pray, I have no idea how we are gonna get all this done"

"Why do we care more about your education than YOU DO?"

"Finish well"

"If you don't hurry up we will have to do it too-gethhh-err"

"Good Job, I am SO proud of you..."

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